Friday, April 5, 2013

Jarrod, that's me

What's my name? Jarrod Mock

What's your name? Doesn't matter

What am I doing? Trying to enlighten you on your path to success

What should you be doing? Reading my posts and absorbing my infinite wisdom 

    In learning the teachings of Jarrodism you, my faithful follower, shall soon learn to not only overcome your obstacles but to laugh derisively in their faces. I hope to not only teach you how to win but to also educate you on how to make your winning-ness be known. You will learn the all important, all encompassing motto and be able to recite it in 3 seconds or less. I hope to educate you on the on the cultural beauty of hip-hop and rap music. You will learn the importance and merits of sleep deprivation and overwork. You will learn proper use of smack talk such as "gg no re all because of me", "try harder," and the sacred rules of using hashtags. You will convert others to jarrod-ism and you'll have fun doing it.

    As far you're concerned i'm god. Not in the literal sense but in the sense that you should bow down before me and admit that i'm the best at everything.
    "Arrogance is the fountainhead of human progress" 
Memorize it
Live It
Believe It
Spread It

Peace out, 

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